cv by Konrad 'ktoso' Malawski

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Plain Text Version

                                      CURRICULUM                VITAE                                         v0.6   07/01/2013
Vienna => Kraków => London                                               linkedin:
mobile: +48 602366655                                                    github:
Professional    Experience
        Dev                                   at ebay                                                           July 2013 - now
          Working on a global Content Delivery System
          Introduced Scala in European Development Team
          Additionaly responsible for "External PR"

        Senior Software Engineer              at SoftwareMill                                          January 2012 - July 2013
          Focusing on Scala backend applications and data crunching

        Software Developer                    at Lunar Logic Polska                                   July 2011 - December 2012
          Worked on  large hotelier backend system
          Performed trainings for other teams
          Mentor of the Android Team

        Trainer at Compendium Centrum Edukacyjne                                                      November 2011 - July 2013
          Preparing and conducting Android,     Java   and   Scala   trainings.

        Software Developer                     at XSolve Sp. z o.o.                                       July 2010 - June 2011
          Worked on backend for an online file backup system and,
          an VM provisioning system; 
          Implemented multi currency payments and invoice  modules

        Owner                                   at Project13                                                   2006 - July 2013
          Scala, Groovy, JEE6 or Rails WebApps
          Plain J2SE, NetBeansPlatform, Griffon Desktop Apps
          J2ME or Android Mobile Apps

        AGH University of Science and Technology                                                                   2008 - 2013
          Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Electronics
          Major:    Applied computer science
        I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. B. Nowodworskiego
          Profile:  Maths & Computer Science

             *  Scala:      real  life / big  project  experience
             *  Java:       GWT, Hibernate, JPA2, Spring, JMS, JAX-RS, Android, JVM monitoring and performance tuning
             *  Groovy:     Grails, Gradle
             *  JavaScript: angular.js (long before 1.0), (a bit) backbone.js, underscore.js, Jasmine
             *  Datastores: MySQL, PostgreSQL; NoSQL: MongoDB (experience with replicasets > 400GB)
             *  obviously:  (X)HTML / CSS / XML / JSON / ProtoBuf / Maven / Ant / Gradle / SBT
             *  Basics of:  Ruby, Python, Go, Hadoop / HBase
             *  VCS:        very good understanding of git, svn
             *  Test Driven Development (really)
             *  Practical Scrum and Kanban experience, also with working in distributed teams

       Speaker at:
            * Devoxx, JavaOne SF, JFokus, JDays and many more - mostly Scala related talks                                    2013
            * ScalaCamp     - Scala DSLs: Dissecting Foursquare Rogue                                                      2013
            * Mobilization / KrakDroid - Scala    my  Android                                                              2012
            * AGH University of Science and Technology - Scala - a scalable language                                       2012 
            * Java Developer Days - Effective Git                                                                          2011
            * Cracow Mobi         - Dependency Injection in Android, RoboGuice                                             2011
            * JavaCamp            - Git                                                                                    2010
            * many more...

Trainings / Workshops / Conferences
            * Many programming hands-on workshops, hackathons and other events in Kraków                                   2013
            * 4 day long Scala in-depth workshop                                                                           2013
            * Multiple JUG and  GDG Meetups                                                                         2012 - 2013
            * Coach at Global Day of Code Retreat                                                                   2012 - 2013
            * GeeCON                                                                                                2011 - 2013
            *                                                                                 2011 - 2012
            * NetBeans Platform Certified Training                                                                         2010
            * and more...
            * JavaScript training (incl. node.js and OOP concepts in  js) (2 days) -                        2011
            * TDD workshop by Pragmatists (3 days)                                                                         2010
            * Gradle training with Hans Dockter (Gradle CEO)                                                               2010
            * Red Hat Linux System Administration RH-131                                                                   2009

            * Sun Certified Java Programmer, JavaSE 6                                                                      2010
            * Netbeans Platform Certified Associate & Netbeans Platform Certified Engineer                                 2010
            * Red Hat Certified Technician / System Administrator (#605009099327096)                                       2009

            * German - bilingual (native)
            * English - fluent profesional
            * Japanese - beginner, for fun

           *  Leader or founder:
                    Polish Java User Group                                                                      2010 - presently
                    Google Developers Group Krakow                                                              2011 - presently
                    Kraków Scala User Group                                                                     2013 - presently
                    Lambda Lounge Kraków                                                                        2013 - presently

           *  Member:
                    SCKRK - Software Craftsmanship Kraków (very active member)                                  2010 - presently
                    Stowarzyszenie Software Engineering Professionals Polska (passive member)                   2011 - presently

           *  Notable Open Source  contributions:
                    * git-commit-id Maven Plugin   - widely   used   Git   plugin    for Apache     Maven
                    * ScalaWords - Beautiful    "words",    library  for common         tasks
                    * Janbanery  - Flutent    Java API for
                    * Bugfix     - in Foursquare Rogue library

           *  Featured in the Oracle Java Magazine issue March/April, in "The New Java   Developers"                        2012

           *  Contests:
                    Participated in Google Highly Open Participation Contest                                                2008
                    Finalist in Motorola "Diversity" Contest                                                                2007

           *  Practical knowledge about using and administering GNU/Linux systems, incl. usage of Chef scripts

Personal  interests
           *  japanese culture and music (traditional / modern)
           *  contributing small open source projects to and Maven Central
           *  distributed systems automation and configuration
           *  collecting video game consoles
           *  tennis

          I hereby agree for processing the following personal information strictly for the purposes of job recruitment in
            accordance with the regulationfor the protection of personal data passed on 29.08.97r. Dz.U nr 133 poz. 883.

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Be sure to check out my other projects!

Contact me!

Here's how to best reach me. Please send your email with an reasonable subject and to the proper email address.

twitter: @ktosopl
personal stuff:
polishJUG stuff: